12:35pm (EST) The market is treading water today following comments from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) after they cut their forecasts for global growth and warned of a world-wide slowdown. More importantly, they believe France, Spain, Greece and several other Eurozone countries won’t meet their budget-deficit targets they have agreedRead more
IMF Lowers Global Growth, Bears Bite
Germany Approves ESM
Bulls Looking to Keep Momentum
Bulls Riding Crazy Train
9:00am (EST) All Aboard!!! Ha, ha, ha…. We played a classic at the office headquarters this morning to get our day started and there was no introduction needed after the bulls pushed new multi-year and decade highs yesterday. Mario Draghi and the European Central Bank (ECB) said exactly what theRead more
All Eyes on Europe
Europe on the Brink
Bulls and Bears Split
9:00am (EST) The market ended slightly mixed on Wednesday as rumors of the Federal Reserve acting sooner, rather than later, continue to make the rounds. There was an article floating around late Tuesday that the Fed could take action as early as next week which helped provide some of theRead more