(Special 1-Year Subscription Offers – Guess the Dow, Win a NEW iPad!)
12:05pm (EST)
(Special Note: Please go to our website today to see all of the charts and quotes. Also, if you are a current subscribers, please go to the Members Area to see the charts. They will help you understand the trades a lot better as you will see the picture we are painting.)
We missed a beautiful trade this morning on a stock we have been following for years and one we recently listed on our Watch List. Our Watch List is designed to follow possible trades as we wait for key support or resistance levels to clear before going long or short using call or put options. These trades aren’t official recommendations but they can become one once we get the signal.
We have trying to get into some call options on a stock that was just under $40 and a level we were waiting to clear before going long call options. Unfortunately, ViroPharma (VPHM, $49.43, up $10.05) got a buyout offer before we could get in and shares have soared 25% after closing Friday at $39.38.
The stock had been trading in a tight of $37-39 for over a month after surging from $30 to over $40 in mid-September on buyout rumors. We knew another possible big move was coming again following the consolidation phase and the peak in September came at $40.89. We were going to get into these call options on a close above $40 that we were looking for to happen this week.
The ViroPharma December 45 calls (VPHM131221C0004500, $4.50, up $4.05) closed at 45 cents on Friday and are up an astounding 900% as you can see from the Yahoo Finance option quote below. A 10-contract trade for $450 would be worth $4,500!
The January 45 calls (VPHM140118C00045000, $4.60, up $3.60) were going for a buck on Friday and have zoomed 355%.
We can’t take credit for the trade because it wasn’t an “official” recommendation so you won’t see it on our 2013 Track Record but these are the types of returns that are possible with options and prove they are the most lucrative investments in the world. Some of our astute traders have sent us emails today thanking us for profiling the trade and we are so glad they made some bank to start the week.
We have been on a roll all year and although we missed this trade, we do have a New Trade today that could post the same type of returns. The stock is a current stock trade recommendation for our Weekly Wrap and one we expect to double but with the options we are recommending today we are looking to make 500%. Seriously.
A quick look at the market: The Dow is up 19 points to 15,781 while the S&P 500 is advancing a point to 1,771. The Nasdaq is down a point to 3,917 while the Russell 2000 is higher by a point to 1,101.
Subscribers, check the Members Area for the New Trades and we could have additional Trade Alerts today so stay locked-and-loaded.
Special 1-Year Subscription Offers – Guess the Dow, Win a NEW iPad!
It is that time of year where we offer our best discounts and our best deal on subscriptions to our Daily and Weekly Wrap newsletters. The reason we do this simple. It gives new traders wanting to learn the stock and options market and an incredible discount and seasoned traders the opportunity to receive all of our stock and option recommendations for an entire year without interuption.
To be a successful trader of the market, you must do your homework every day and every weekend. It requires 100 hours a week of hard work as you have to plan for events, draw charts, prepare for earnings, watch overseas markets, the political picture and to identify trends before they develop or how long they will last.
In fact, one of our favorite quotes from the history books when it comes to market survival:
“If you are ready to give up everything else – to study the whole history and background of the market and all the principal companies… as carefully as a medical student studies anatomy – … and, in addition, you have the cool nerves of a great gambler, the sixth sense of a clairvoyant, and the courage of a lion, you have a ghost of a chance.”
We are proud to say we are closing out our 6th-straight year of profitability and we doubt there are many option newsletters that can make this claim. If any.
We know to trade up, down, flat and volatile markets and we have proven ourselves year after year with twice Daily updates and a 6-year Track Record that profiles ALL of our trading recommendations. Most financial newsletters don’ have Track Records so how can you possibly trust them.
The option websites that promise huge returns only talk about their wins, not the losses. Some of them will count a winning trade twice if they recommended closing out half positions but that is a smoke-and-mirror tactic that hides the true overall performance of a portfolio and the percentages on if they were right or wrong about a trade.
We don’t roll that way and this is why many option newsletters have come and gone over the years. We could name names but the so called “pros” that aren’t around anymore hurt the market and investor’s trust.
It is one of the main reasons we have verified results through our auto-trading partners and why we have grown our relationships in the business. All of our trade recommendations are time-stamped and dated and with several auto-trading partners that take the trades for our subscribers. In other words, we are very transparent.
We do this to earn investors trust because we know people are skeptical and sometimes find it hard to believe you can make more in one option trade than most people make in a year. Seriously.
There is also the risk of one trade losing money and we always try to have 5-15 open trades at once. The key to successful option trading is riding the tend and taking quick profits on stocks that move 5%-10%.
When a stock moves 5%-10%, and sometimes 20%, the option gains can be 100%, 300%, and even 500%-800% in some cases.
We often hear the Average Joe can’t make money in the market but what we don’t hear is the reason they failed is because they didn’t do their homework. Luckily you have us and we enjoy what we do.
However, we do like to teach investors about stocks and the market because we believe everyone has the potential to manage their own money and to find there own trades.
We have written an option trading manual that explains how to become a successful option trader that includes bi-monthly videos. By taking charge of your financial investments it will empower you to learn the market in a way you never knew was possible.
Would you like to tell your friends about a $4 pizza stock that is now and $8 and could go to $20 over the next 12-24 months. You can if you are a member of our Weekly Wrap. Or how about telling your friends about an earnings trade that returned 200% in a day? Or a biotech that made you 400%. You can if you are a subscriber to our Daily.
You can also find these trades on your own by reading our option trading manual, How to Trade Options on Momentum Stocks and watching our videos. Here is a link that will describe the course benefits and what it covers by clicking here:
The course is valued at $895 and will be included at NO CHARGE with your purchase of a 1-year membership to our Daily newsletter.
The regular price of a 1-year deal to the Daily is $924, a discount of 40% instead of of the $129 monthly price. If we knock that price down to $789, it will be a 50% discount and you will get our updated copy of the options trading course for 2014. The new manuals will ship in December and will be mailed to your doorstep at no charge.
You will need this coupon code to the Special Offer (please copy and paste)
Coupon code: 9AD21
And go here for the 1-year deal (please make sure you choose the 1-year subscription option)
We are also offering our Weekly Wrap that is now an astounding 84-5 since inception with numerous triple-digit winners. This newsletter is for investors that may only want to trade 2-4 times a month instead of 4-5 a week for the Daily.
The Weekly Wrap is a “safer” way to play options as we use a mixture of different strategies to play the market. We have a Track Record of nearly 70% for all of our option trades but this newsletter has a 95% success rate!
You can save 50% on a 1-year deal to the Weekly Wrap by using this coupon code:
Please go here for the Weekly Wrap subscription:
This coupon works for all subscription models for the Weekly Wrap but not the Daily.
To encourage you to sign up for both newsletters for a 1-year deal, we are offering this bonus to all of our subscribers that do.
If you purchase a 1-year deal to both our newsletters, you will have the opportunity to win the newest version of the iPad!
In December 2012, we acquired NextOptions.com – a successful options website with hundreds of subscribers and thousands of readers. Our goal has been to get more coverage of our Weekly Wrap to give our research team the credit they deserve. The newsletter has posted an amazing 84-5 Track Record since 2011. We are 40-4 this year.
We offered NextOptions subscribers an incredible discount to stay with us through the transition and you have been well rewarded as we have doubled a $10,000 trading account this year for the Weekly Wrap. NextOptions subscribers, Thank You for your trust in us. Current Momentum Options subscribers, Thank You for supporting us from the start.
We use a mixture of covered calls and stock trading ideas to make solid double-digit monthly gains and we have recently added LEAPs, straddle and strangle options trades with possible returns of 100% or more. (A recent LEAP call option trade returned our subscribers 198%).
We also profile one company a week and we cover a bevy of possible earnings trades and where we get our ideas for our Daily newsletter. The Weekly Wrap contains the exact same official trade recommendations for both MomentumOptionsTrading.com and NextOptions.com so there is no difference between the 2 sites except for some of the Daily content.
We are also giving away one American Eagle Silver coin a month by guessing the Dow. Details are on the NextOptions.com website and it does not cost anything to enter but you do have to be a member.
As far as winning the iPad, once you have signed up for BOTH the 1-year Daily subscription and the 1-year Weekly Wrap you will need to have your entry on where the Dow will close at the end of DECEMBER by November 30, 2013 by midnight.
Emails need to be sent to support at either site – with the subject line “Dow iPad Guess”. We will also send you an email to verify your guess in case those of you have problems. You will need to enter 2 decimals as well to your end of year guess for the Dow.
For current MomentumOptionTrading Weekly Wrap readers, you can still keep your subscription with us but you will have to visit NextOptions.com to enter the monthly contest to win a shiny silver dollar. However, you cans still signup for the iPad contest and have the emails from MomentumOptionsTrading.com. All of the trades are the same and are released at the same times with updates as needed for both sites.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email or call us. We have added extra staff but please realize we will be slammed with this offer.
Please do us a favor and tell your friends about us and encourage them to use the special discount coupon code. Remember, your subscription should be a tax write-off (check with your accountant) so take advantage of the tax laws.
We also realize many of you may or may not support both sites and we do this to guarantee the best prices of the year.
You can also email us to view all of our Track Record results and here are some of the monster trades we have recommended over the past few months:
We have returned some incredible gains over the past 2 months and continue to provide the BEST options trades in the business. Take a look at these gains in September and October:
+213% OPK (LEAP) call options
+103% NPSP call options
+319% JCP put options
+182% NPSP (LEAP) call options
+67% KOG (LEAP) call options
+172% NPSP call options
+201% CRM call options
We hope you take advantage of this deal as it is the best time ever to get the best prices on our newsletters and to get prepared for 2014!